I’m going to give you 45+ 46 business ideas small town and help you potentially make a lot of money by starting a company. One of these ideas I absolutely love and I will invest in you to make this idea happen. All you have to do is guess the idea I love the most in the comments and I’ll let you know if you’ve won.

46 business ideas small town | Work From home Ideas |
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

👉 46 business ideas small town

1) plant doctor business

So the first idea, a plant doctor. We’ve all got house plants that are dying right? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was someone you could talk to to figure out why and save it? That would save the person who owns that plant a lot of money. Next up, house plant Now don’t worry, not all these ideas are about plants.

I just go through these methodically as I think of them. And of course, plant doctor makes sense to have a house plant manager. How would a house plant manager work? Very simply, you make sure in your home you have all the right plants in all the right places.

I think if you went into people’s homes and gave them a proper plan, they would buy more plants and be happier.

2) health home guide business

The next idea, health home guide. People don’t set up their homes to be healthy. There are things like feng shui, which you can read this pretty fascinating how it all works. Basically the mystical, magical way things are positioned to create energy. So a health home guide, someone that understands how a home should be set up to give you maximum energy. 

3) cheap plant app business

The next idea is a cheap plant app. I am tired of buying plants that are so expensive because I go to a garden centre, I can’t compare against another plant and another garden centre. How about an app that tells you where you can get cheap plants from? It doesn’t exist, I think it could be big.

4) car cleaning full service / car cleaning for sale

Next up, car cleaning. I think there’s still a big gap. If you go to say places like Hampstead in North London, most of those houses are three or four million pound houses and they don’t have a garage.

Can you believe it? So that means those cars are sitting in the roads and are very valuable cars owned by people that have money and they will pay you to drive there and clean their cars. 

5) ads on cars business

Next up, ads on cars. I don’t understand why people who have very expensive private vehicles don’t make money by selling ads on those cars.

Again, I think there’s huge money in this and no one’s cracked it. 

6) rent a car dallas business

Next up, rent your car. Now most people park their cars overnight, for example, or nine to five if they’re working a job, which I don’t want you to do.

I want you to start a business of your own. But why don’t we find a way to rent that car out while it’s just sitting there, not earning money and often costing people for parking. 

7) bulk buying potatoes business

Next up, bulk buying potatoes. Now I know it sounds a bit insane and it doesn’t just have to be potatoes, but I think there’s a real business in community purchasing of lots of things and allowing bulk purchasing power to happen. 

The ability for a large amount of people in a community to buy a product and get a discount and then distribute it amongst themselves and save money. 

8) window cleaning business

 Next up, window cleaning. There are lots of window cleaners right now, but no agency that helps them market themselves, centralise buying a product. But I think a community of window cleaners and agency for window cleaners could also be a big business.

9) gym photo buddy business

 The next idea I have for you is gym photo buddy. So how does this work? Well, it could work many ways, but my quick idea on this would be I give 200 pounds to someone and I say, please make me accountable for going to the gym. And then each time I go to the gym, I pay them five pounds. And of course, how many times do I have to go to the gym in a month to get my 200 pounds back? And that’s my gym photo accountability buddy.

10) gym power business

The next idea is gym power. I’ve seen some incredible technology recently that if you go on a treadmill, will generate your actions on a treadmill into money. 

And I really think there’s an opportunity to create a whole system where a gym itself creates power, which creates revenue.

So there are people that have started to do this sort of idea. I do think it’s at the very beginnings because the technology is new. You could create something positive. People get fit and they make money. 

Now, the next idea perhaps isn’t as popular in 2023 as it would have been in 2022. That’s exactly the reason it’s probably an interesting time to give this idea a go.

11) Metaverse gym business

Metaverse gym. Now, I really believe with all my heart that going to the gym is really about community. And if you can create a metaverse gym where people check in, share their exercise regime, and then actually physically do the real workout in a real gym at the same time, you could create a sense of community globally with your type of people, your type of body type.

The metaverse land is cheaper than ever before. This is the time to get in. When everyone’s running away from something, run towards it.

12) gym meetings business

The next idea I have for you is gym meetings. I don’t know why people book conference rooms to have meetings. Why don’t you go to the gym? Gym meetings, big business.

13) gym shoe assessment agency business

Next up, gym shoe assessment agency. You go into gyms and you assess what people are wearing to make sure that it actually is the right shoes for them. Now, you could probably get sponsored by Nike, one of these big brands, but you go in there, I think neutral, just looking at what’s the most important thing for that person’s foot.

14) gym locker marketing business

The next idea I have for you is gym locker marketing. You could go to all the big gym companies and say, look, give me the locker space. I’m going to put adverts on them and I’ll share the revenue with you.

A lot of these gyms don’t make money out of their lockers right now. We’ll probably sign you up. Once you have access to those lockers, you can sell them to advertisers.

15) gym pickup service business

Next up is a gym pickup service. One of the biggest things in going to the gym is accountability. So what if everyone was getting picked up at a certain time by a mini bus, we have advertising on it, that took people to the gym? 

Now, that would make sure that I knew I couldn’t let people down by not turning up for that pickup at a certain time. One more reason for me to actually go to the gym.

16) sponsored gym clothing business

 The next idea I have for you is sponsored gym clothing. Now, people walk around the gym right now with Nike and Adidas on.

Why do people pay for the clothing and then promote the brands by walking around the gym? Why don’t you get paid to wear clothing with an advert on it?

 I think this could be big business and there’s loads of different ways to do it. You could do a deal with the gym direct, like I mentioned with the locker idea, or you can go to individuals and sell them clothing that they then make money from. 

17) gym food box business

Food in a box that lasts you all day. I started eating one meal a day at six o’clock. It’s not been easy, but what I have found is how many extra hours, literally hours, I have in my day because I’m not looking for food, making food, and eating food.

I think that a box that supplies all you need in one day in one box would be a big hit and no one’s done it. By the way, poker face, have you seen the idea that I love yet that I’m willing to invest in? If you think you have, don’t forget to comment down below. 

18) garage gym business

The next idea I have for you is a garage gym business. Now, I just turned my garage into a deluxe gym. I think there’s a big business in this.

 It was so much work getting all the different elements of that gym pulled together, and I don’t know why someone hasn’t gone around to everyone who’s got a garage and said, I could turn that garage into a gym.

I think a garage gym business would be huge. The next idea I have for you is not a joke, but don’t get me wrong, some of the weirdest ideas out there in the world have turned into businesses.

19 )  Pet swap fun business

I’ve got a pet who I love very much. I think it’d be kind of cool to have another pet for one day. So you take my pet, I’ll take your pet, and we’ll have some pet swap fun.

I’ve got two dogs, one of them sadly passed away recently, but we spent months trying to come up with a name for them. I really think there’s a business in helping people come up with cool names, original names, maybe even names you can trademark and turn into a product. I’ve got a friend, for example, called Haslow, who has a dog that balances things on his head.

It’s making an absolute fortune, and it’s in his name that’s really made him a brand. 

20) pet whoop business

Next up, pet whoop. Now, many of you might not know what a whoop is, and this isn’t an advert, but it’s this, basically.

It’s a wristband that measures how you’re doing. I took my dog to the vet recently, and the vet told me my dog was fat. I had no idea.

How do you know if your dog’s fat or not? It’s not always so obvious. Why is there not a device that can measure my dog’s exercise regime, weight, and give me some idea of what’s actually happening with him so he didn’t get to a point where I had to spend 80 quid with a vet to find out what was wrong with him? The next idea can literally help people live longer. Dogs meet the elderly.

It’s been proven medically that when someone strokes a dog’s head, it brings their blood pressure down and makes them happy. I think there should be an agency that literally takes dogs from shelters and turns them into dogs that make elderly people happy in elderly homes. I think the elderly homes themselves will pay you, and I know that for sure you bring a lot of happiness to the world.

21) dog adoption agency business

The next idea I have for you is a dog adoption agency. Now, in the UK, we have dog rescue shelters. One of the big problems with these shelters is that anybody thinking of getting a dog from there instantly has the wrong image.

Adopting a dog means you’re adopting a damaged dog. I think this needs to be rebranded, and I think people should set up adoption agencies that allow people to take a dog from the dog rescue but buy it. When they buy a dog, that money can then go towards training those dogs, helping those dogs, and helping people understand that dogs from dog rescues are good dogs to adopt.

You don’t need to buy a dog. So I think there’s an opportunity for us to be kind to people and create a GoFundMe for pets. Basically, when someone’s pet is sick, you put your pet issue up online and you ask people to help you pay the medical bill.

I think the profit from such a site can also go towards helping those that are struggling to make ends meet and pay for the pets they love in difficult times. 

22) Dog help & Rescue YouTube channel 

The next idea I have for you is a bit of fun, but I genuinely think this could be a big business. I was reading recently about a dog that inherited 400 million US dollars, and I really think that there’s loads of dogs in this world that have inherited money.

Why don’t we do a Doggy Rich YouTube? A whole story on what happens to these dogs. I’m even today scratching my head. How does a dog manage 400 million? So ultimately, I think this would be a big YouTube channel, and maybe all the profit from the YouTube channel could go to help dogs at dog rescues.

23) dog food business

The next idea I have for you is make your own dog food. Now, a lot of dog food today has all sorts of crap in it. I think there’s a blue apron for pets.

Basically, an opportunity to create healthy food that you can make yourself. Dogs are pretty simple, and we’ve made food very complicated, and I think there’s a huge opportunity to make money and do good and provide good, healthy dog food for people.

24) pet translator business

 Now, the next idea I have for you is a cat translator. You know, there’s actually a way for you to tell what a cat is saying to you, and I think someone should develop this product so that if people want to find out what their pets are saying to them, they can go on an animal translator and find out. 

A combination of body language, noises, and sounds will genuinely honestly tell you what your animal is thinking, and wouldn’t that be useful sometimes? The next idea I have for you might sound a bit woo-woo.  

Now, I’m not a woo-woo type of person, but I do believe there’s things in this world that we don’t understand that actually work, and this is one of them.

Healing crystals are a real thing, and healing crystals for pets, in my opinion, is an untapped market. My dog recently, my little dog Bella, got sick, and if I could have paid a pound, two pounds, or three pounds for some crystals to make her better, I would have done it, and they do exist. I just couldn’t find them, so I think a healing crystals for pets business could be huge.

25) travel buddies business

Next up, travel buddies. I know a lot of people that are single or divorced, or just starting out in life, want to travel, but their friends aren’t available to go with them.

so why can’t you create a product that allows two people to connect that both want to travel to Turkey, and go help people there right now? But why not create travel buddies? I think this could be a huge business. 

26) house swap business

The next idea I have for you is house swap. Now, I wanted to go to Cornwall recently, and was looking at the houses there to rent, and they’re so expensive, and I thought to myself.

 I’ll be leaving a really expensive house to go rent a really expensive house, why can’t I do a house swap? You should be able to swap that house for a week, and reduce the cost of having a holiday. House swap, I think could be huge.

27) mystery holiday business

 Next up, I think someone should create a mystery holiday business. You don’t know where you’re going, you pay a set fee, and you get sent there. Next up, win a holiday. Now, I don’t know why there isn’t a lottery focused on people winning holidays.

I would definitely sign up to that, but I’d like to make it a positive, not a gambling product. So when you actually pay for this ticket, the profit goes to pay for a holiday for someone that can’t afford a holiday.

 I think this would be awesome giving back, helping people, and at the same time, give people this exciting opportunity to win a holiday.

28) YouTube channel idea business

Next up is kind of a YouTube channel idea alongside just something fun. Guess where you are and win. Someone will go on holiday somewhere, they don’t know where they’re going, but when they get there, they can guess where they are, they win that holiday.

Now, it doesn’t have to be that everybody wins that holiday, but it could be great social media content that could promote your travel agency. At the same time, I think it could be really cool that everyone gets a chance to win the holiday they pay for. That would be a very different way of doing a travel agency.

29) philosopher business

The next idea I have for you is find your purpose holiday. A lot of people ask me, how did I find my purpose? How do you find your purpose? I do have a whole philosophy around this, but I think a big part of it is having the time to think about purpose, going somewhere where purpose is the theme. 

So you turn off your devices, I know already people are thinking no way, but that’s a big thing now.

People are unplugging and able to actually connect who they are, not what they want to see. The find your purpose holiday could be a big business. The next idea I have for you is survival holiday.

30) survival holiday business

Now think survivor or lost, where you go on holiday and you have to survive the holiday. So maybe you get dropped in a dangerous location or supervised and managed with the proper health and safety, of course, but you have to survive that week, that challenge of surviving. And I think this would be very, very popular with the young generation today.

31) dating holidays business

The next idea I have for you is dating holidays. You can never really get to know someone over coffee or frankly over lunch, but a whole week somewhere, now that could be fun. The next idea I have for you is swap lives holiday.

Now, have you ever wondered what it’s like to live like me, a millionaire in a mansion? Well, why don’t I swap lives with you and you can have my life and I have your life for a week. And maybe we’ll both learn to appreciate the lives we originally had or worse, we’ll want the lives we’ve taken over. 

32) maid holiday service business

The next idea I have for you is a maid holiday service. Instead of going somewhere on holiday, the holiday could come to your home. I love this idea that someone comes to your home and basically cleans and cooks for you, takes care of you, makes you feel like you’re staying at a hotel suddenly. This service I think could be huge.

33) habit changing agency business

The next idea I have for you is the 20 day change. Did you know it takes 20 days to create a new habit? So what if someone come and stayed with you for 20 days? And I think this could be a company that arranges as a big company, gives you a chance, for example, to change your food habits. So maybe a chef comes and lives with you for 20 days and reorganises your food.

So every single day you eat differently and they teach you how to make that food. By the 20th day your habit has been changed. The 20 day change company could be big.

34) healthy food business 

The next idea I have for you is DNA food. Now these days there’s all sorts of companies that will actually test you in your DNA and in those tests you can actually see what sort of foods you should be eating. Now I haven’t seen anyone take that data and figure out a food plan for people based on their DNA and I think there’s a huge business if you did it.

Next up I would love for someone to create food buddy. Basically someone who’s eating well paired up with someone who’s not eating well based on the similar body type and similar lifestyle. So basically you allow someone to guide you through healthy eating by buddying up with someone healthy.

Now equally you could buddy up with someone that’s not healthy and together have a coach that could be maybe at two or three levels to this service that you offer. I think food buddy would be huge. 

The next idea I have for you is based on the fact that we are still despite Covid all flocking to cities.

Cities are becoming more and more populated which means the rural areas in different parts of the world where actual farming happens and produces your food is less and less and I think there’s a huge business in creating roof gardens. 

You create a roof that produces food and that whole building then could eat from that garden and again if you could be the company that cultivates this idea you could sell kits to the building owners you could sell kits to the people that are renting to make their roof their food source. 

35) coffee snob business

The next idea I have for you comes from a place of being a coffee snob but I have never had a good coffee in a hotel or in a garden centre or on any historic trip around Britain.

Every single place I’ve ever been to from a castle to a hotel to a garden centre the coffee is crap. So why not be the company that goes and fixes the coffee in these places. In this day and age there is no excuse for bad coffee in a hotel and it should be just as good as going to a quality barista.

36) homeless packs business

The next idea I have for you is homeless packs. Now I had this idea last night when I was eating my dinner. I had a whole plate of food and in the end I left about a third of it and I thought to myself it’s such a shame that’s going in the bin.

Now if you produced a box or pack that I could then put that food into and then take it to someone that was homeless I think that could be a huge business. 

Now it could be a pack business you provide those packs for people or or it could be that you collect the food. I really think this is an opportunity to not let leftovers not be put to good use and help those that need it.

37) odd food vans business

The next idea I have for you is odd food vans. Did you know tons and tons of food gets thrown away by the likes of Tesco’s and Asda because they don’t meet their what food looks like criteria. You should find a way to take all this food that looks odd and sell it to us odd humans.

We don’t need the perfectly shaped tomato or the perfectly shaped potato. People want good quality food at reasonable prices. Now they say in life there’s two things you should never neglect your teeth and your feet.

So I’m going to bring some ideas up here now that play to that. Now the first idea I have for you is dentist points. Every time you go to the dentist you get points.

Why doesn’t this already exist and it could be that all sorts of brands and retailers will jump on the back of this where they would like you to be the first place they go after you’ve had your teeth cleaned. 

38) foot massaging business

The next idea I have for you it’s foot massaging. Now I actually have seen this executed really well in Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong they have professional foot massage parlours. These are places where people know where exact acupuncture points are on your feet. And this is not done in America or Europe.

As a business I think it’s an untapped market and I would probably roll out this in supermarkets, in shopping malls. I’d create of course specialised vehicles that go to people’s homes and give them proper professional foot massages. 

39) tooth brushing games business

The next idea I have for you is really geared around kids and I call this tooth brushing games.

Now I know a lot of people with kids struggle to get their kids to brush their teeth. So I think there’s a whole opportunity to create a load of games around it. Now how have I got my five-year-old to brush his teeth? I tell him every single one of his teeth has a name and he has to brush each of those people to make sure they stay alive.

It’s a bit hardcore but it seems to work. Basically creating games around brushing your teeth. Not everyone’s got the imagination I’ve got to come up with that idea but people do need ways to help people brush their teeth.

40) homeless property agency business

The next idea I’ve got for you is what I call the homeless property agency. So the whole idea is you compete with the likes of Knight, Frank and Seville’s and you help people sell property. But you don’t just help people sell property.

When you sell the property and there’s huge profit when you sell a property for people that profit goes to help the homeless. Now you pay people properly to sell the house and of course you make sure you compete and actually fight against the big players that do sell houses. 

So you have to invest in marketing but instead of all that profit then going to shareholders as it presently does the money goes to the homeless.

Now why is this a good idea? First of all I would rather sell my house of an agency like that and it’s all about supply. 

Then people that when they find the house they love they don’t care who the agent is right now they just care that they like this house and then they look to see who the agent is.

 Now if the agent is the company that is helping the homeless I’m going to feel good about buying that house from them but frankly it didn’t matter.

Most important thing was getting the supply and if I can sell my house without losing any extra money but I do help the homeless I will sell the house of the agency that helps the homeless. 

The next idea I have for you is the drone house. How does this work? There’s a lot of people in England and America that have really valuable homes that wouldn’t mind I’m sure a nice drone photo of it.

So all you have to do is stick a drone up in the air fly it past someone’s house take a picture land it and then offer them that footage as part of your service. 

Now of course you can enhance it you can add to it you can take actual physical photos of the house as well but I know myself I’d like that I’d like a nice aerial picture of my home. 

41) cash property business

The next idea I have for you is cash property. So you go to work nine to five or maybe you go out during the weekends I would love it if you could get scouted so that your property could get used by movie companies and people that want to do videos like YouTube videos. 

So I think there’s an opportunity if you own a leverage that asset when it’s not being used and create a scouting property agency. The next idea I have for you is the dream life finder.

Now what if there was a website you could type in all the things that you loved about life and it would find the perfect place that you should live.

 Now I have lived all over the world from Hong Kong to Australia and LA but it took me a long time to find my home. 

42) ergonomic toothbrushes business

The next idea I have for you is ergonomic toothbrushes. One of the most interesting areas which most people aren’t realizing is that the things that they hold aren’t efficient.  In particular toothbrushes.

 Now my son who’s five his toothbrush is not really designed for his little hands so sometimes when he’s brushing his teeth he’ll miss certain angles in his teeth which ultimately can be quite bad for him long term.

So creating ergonomic toothbrushes I think is a real gap in the market that could be huge. Next up tooth fairy. 

Now we’ve probably all had the experience of either losing a tooth or later if you have kids having a child that loses the tooth and we all want the tooth fairy to come and bring some money.

But here’s the thing I have never seen this organized in a professional company way. You’ve got father Christmas these days you can literally write to father Christmas and he will write back to you. It’s quite structured how father Christmas works but tooth fairy there’s nothing.

I think there’s actually a company that could be created that manages people’s tooth fairy dreams. 

43) tooth self-assessment business

The next idea I have for you is basically tooth self-assessment. There must be today the ability to take your phone and bite it and for the phone to scan or take a picture of your teeth and be able to tell you what might be wrong.

It seems crazy to me that you have to go to a dentist and spend 50, 60 pounds to get a checkup and you could just potentially know yourself whether you need that or not. 

There should be a tooth self-assessment app on every single phone in the world. 

44) fit for shoes business

The next idea I have for you is what I call one fit for shoes. So basically right now people buy shoes in different stores from different brands and they fit their foot into that shoe.

 But I think what should happen in the future is you get your foot measured and a proper mold made of that foot and then you make sure going forward that you only buy shoes that fit that mold.

 Maybe in the end you get all the manufacturers to change how they make shoes.They can send your one fit for shoes mold to them and they make the shoes for you. 

45) foot checkup business

Next idea I have is a foot checkup. Now this might sound like a crazy idea but I know a lot of people who later in life have real problems with their back and other parts of their body because their feet haven’t been checked.

Their arches are dropping for example in their feet and they haven’t taken care of their feet properly or walked properly. 

46) teeth checking business

I reckon a bit like getting your teeth checked every six months you should get your feet checked every six months and I think if it was a business that serviced this it could be big and it would solve people’s problems later in life if they did it. 

:: If you wanted to know any business ideas small town or Work From home Ideas, please comment.

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