Friends, do you know what a transistor is? If not, then watch this video till the end and you will get all the information about the transistor. It looks like a very small and ordinary electronic device, but it is used on a large scale.

Because of this, we can work so fast on computers and mobiles. It is not possible to make any electronic circuit without a transistor. Most of it is used for amplification.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Transistor is such a semi-permanent electronic device, which is used to amplify electronic signal and electricity. Transistor is made of semi-permanent material. To make it, mostly silicon and germanium is used. It has three heads or terminals, which are used to connect to other circuits.

👉 Transistor terminals – 

Transistor has three terminals, 

  • i) Base
  • ii) Collector  
  • iii) Emitter

When a transistor puts current or voltage in a pair of terminals, the current changes in the pair of other transistors. Transistor is used in many devices, such as amplifiers, switch circuits, oscillators, etc.

📝 Transistor Type –

Transistor is of two types

  • 1. NPN
  • 2. PNP

👉  1. N P N Transistor

NPN in this, a P-type material layer is placed between two N-type layers. That is, if the P-head of a transistor is in the middle, then it is called an NPN transistor.

In this, electron-based terminals flow from the collector to the emitter. NPN transistor has two N areas, which are divided into a thin peak area. NPN transistor amplifies the weak signal and sends it like a base.

And it makes strong amplifier signals on the collector side. In NPN transistor, the direction of electron speed is limited from the emitter to the collector area. Because of which current is generated in the transistor.

This type of transistor is used in the circuit. Because it has majority charge electrons and minority charge holes. P is common in both junctions. 

That is why it is called an NPN transistor. It has a P base and a small N emitter and a large N collector. In this, current flows from the collector to the emitter.

Let me also tell you that in this, the base works like a controller. And according to the signal given on the base, the current starts flowing from the collector to the emitter. 

📖 example :- 

 To understand this well, let’s take an example. You must have seen a water tap at home or school or office. For this, a tank is kept on the roof and water is brought down from the pipe. From which water flows and will continue to flow if there is no valve or tauti to stop it.

When it is closed, water does not flow. When you need it, then you open the tauti and take the water. Then when it is not needed, it is closed. At the same time, if you want less water, you open it less. And to flow the water more quickly, you open it more or fully. What I mean to say is that as much as we need and the speed we want, we rotate the tauti accordingly and take the water.

Similarly, the transistor also works and the base controls it. I think you must have understood it well.

👉  2. P N P transistor

Now let’s talk about the PNP transistor. The PNP transistor has two peak areas which are divided by a thin n-axis. In this transistor, the low amount of current coming out of the base controls the emitter and collector current. The PNP transistor has two crystal diodes which are connected behind each other.

The left diode on the left is called the emitter base diode and the right diode is known as the collector base diode. Field effect transistor (FET) is the second type of transistor.

 It also has three lines, GET, TRAN, and SOURCE. This transistor has been made further like junction field effect transistor, JEFT, and MOSFET transistor. It is also used in multiplexer. It is also used in phase shift oscillator.

There are two types of field effect transistors. Junction field effect transistor is a semiconductor device which has three terminals. And it is used in electronic control switch, voltage, control resistor, and amplifier.

It is a unipolar device. It means that it will depend on electrons or holes at one time. Due to its small size, this transistor fits in the circuit in a very small space. This transistor also works to save from radiation.

 Metal oxide field effect transistor is a semiconductor device which is used to amplify electronic devices, switching, and electronic signals. Metal oxide field effect transistor is used like a high frequency amplifier.

It is used in switch mode power supply. Darlington transistor, which is sometimes called Darlington pair, is a transistor circuit which is made from two transistors. Sidney Darlington invented it. It is like a transistor, but it has a lot of power.

👉 How to made circuit 

 Let me tell you that a circuit can be made from two transistors. Or it can be in one circuit. HFE parameter transistor with Darlington transistor. HFE is multiplied with each other.

The circuit is used in audio amplifier or in a test which measures the very small effect of water. It is so sensitive that it can pick up current in the skin. If you connect it with a piece of metal, you can make a touch sensitive button. Now let’s know about Schottky transistor.

Image by Tide He from Pixabay

Schottky transistor is a combination of transistor and Schottky diode which diverts the primary input current and prevents the transistor from being satisfied. It is also called Schottky clamp transistor.

 Multiple emitter transistor is a two-way transistor which is often used as the input of transistor-transistor logic, TTL, NAND logic gates. Input signals are applied to the emitter. If all the outputs are controlled by high target voltage, then the collector stops the current flow. In this way, an NAND target process is shown by using an ACL transistor.

In this, multiple emitter transistors take the place of the DTL diode and agree to reduce the switching time and power consumption. BJT is a three-lead device which has an emitter, a collector and a base lead. BJT is a current controlled device.

BJT has two PN junctions. PN junction is present between the emitter and the base area. The second collector is present between the base area. The current flow of the emitter to the base is measured on the basis of microamp that the collector from the emitter to the emitter can control the current flow through the current measured in millimeters.

👉  bipolar transistor

bipolar transistor is available in the human form in relation to its DCs. NPN has an emitter and a collector of N-type semiconductor material and the base material is of P-type semiconductor material.

In PNP, these junctions are just reversed here. The emitter and collector are of P-type semiconductor material and the base is of N-type material. The work of NPN and PNP transistors is essentially the same.

But for each type, the complete junctions of electricity are reversed. The only difference between these two types is that in NPN transistor, there is a high-frequency process in comparison to PNP transistor because the electron flow is faster than the hole flow.

 In normal BJT operation, the base-emitter junction is forward biased and the base-collector junction is reverse biased. When the current is influenced by the base-emitter junction, then the current is also influenced in the collector circuit. 

This is a big and unusual thing in the base circuit. To explain how this happens, the example of NPN transistor is taken. The use of similar principles is done for PNP transistor except that the current wire has a hole instead of electrons and the voltage is reversed.

👉 transistor Inventor & Time 

 Friends, do you know who invented the transistor? So let me tell you. The German physicist Julius Edgar Lilienfell had given a request application for FET field effect transistor in 1925 for patent in Canada. But due to lack of evidence, it was not accepted.

 But later, the invention of transistor was done by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley in 1947.

👉 Advantages of Transistors

  • Transistors are cheap, so they can be used anywhere.
  •  They work fast.
  •  There is no loss of power due to cathode heater.
  •  And they have a long life.
  • They do not get damaged easily.

👉 Characteristic of transistor

  • The use of transistor is like a switch and it is in the form of an amplifier. 
  • Most of the transistors have analog and digital switches, power regulator, multivibrator, various signal generators, signal amplifiers and output controllers in common use.
  • Transistors are the basic building blocks of a single circuit and most of them are up-to- date electronics.
  •  One of the major uses of a transistor is that more than one billion transistors are included in a chip of microprocessors.

So friends, I hope you got all the information about the transistor. We always try to give you all the information through our Articles. If you like this article, please share this information with as many people as possible.

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